Vivante North

Costa Mesa, CA
Vivante North is an assisted living and memory care community. It is located on the border of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. The 148,000-square-foot expansion, adjacent to the existing assisted living and memory care community, includes 111 assisted living units, a 1,700-square-foot fitness center, and a 3,900 square-foot community events center.
The overall exterior has a contemporary Newport resort style. The façade of the building has glass railings on all of the balconies, with balconies accentuate with contemporary wall scones, which have individual switches for residence control.
A coastal color palette was utilized throughout the facility. The lighting is a subtle non-intrusive presence offering a well illuminated space.
The corridors have indirect cove lighting running the expense of the corridor augmented with wide beam downlights.
Each amenity area offers a unique design with the cove lighting carrying throughout the building.
All lighting is LED in a warm color palette.